The growth of InGaP on GaAs was investigated and controlled by in situ refl
ectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS) and spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE).
In contrast to other III-V semiconductors, the CuPtB-type ordering of the g
roup III sublattice in the InGaP material system causes a characteristic bu
lk anisotropic contribution to the optical constants. This contribution was
determined by RAS between room and growth temperature. Based on this resul
t the influence of the composition near the lattice matched composition on
the optical data was studied by SE and used for closed-loop controlled grow
th of lattice matched InGaP on GaAs. For this purpose a photon energy of 3.
5 eV was used where the contribution of the bulk ordering to the optical co
nstants is negligible. Closed-loop controlled growth of lattice matched In0
.48Ga0.52P on GaAs, i.e., the flux of the indium source was controlled dire
ctly by the ellipsometry computer, resulted in a lattice mismatch of 2 x 10
(-4). (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.