A revised model of the diffusion of H2O2 through the Martian regolith is pr
esented, which argues that oxidant diffusion may be more efficient than pre
viously thought. Recent models of the adsorption of H2O at Mars-like condit
ions indicate that it adsorbs more poorly than previously believed. H2O ads
orption is a necessary proxy for peroxide adsorption; hence the adsorptive
slowing of peroxide diffusion is modeled as less efficient. Because the per
oxide has a finite lifetime, it has a finite extinction depth as well. The
effects of regolith gardening by impacts are quantitatively estimated and c
ombined with the effects of oxidation by atmospheric gases to produce estim
ates of the degree of oxidation of the Martian surface with depth. We explo
re the effects of different crater production populations along with variat
ions in H2O2 extinction depths, and hydrothermal oxidation of ejects. In ve
ry select circumstances involving very early onset of oxidizing conditions
during heavy bombardment, 150-200 m of regolith could be fully oxidized. Mo
re likely scenarios for the crater production population, onset of oxidizin
g conditions, and oxidant extinction depth yield estimates of no more than
a few meters to putative reducing material. In addition, uncertainties rema
in regarding the degree to which hydrothermal or other high-temperature che
mistry might oxidize materials in ejecta blankets. The trade-off between ac
cessing unlithified sediments or rock interiors must be considered.