Gas bubbles entrapped in macroporous catalyst particles that are subjected
to hydrostatic pressure oscillations (e.g., during recirculation in a loop
reactor), will induce intraparticle liquid flows that enhance mass transfer
in excess of diffusion. The permeability and gas holdup of methanogenic gr
anules were found to be large enough to enable this ''breathing particle''
mechanism. However, continuous pressure oscillations appeared to disintegra
te these biocatalysts within 1 month, although calculations indicate that p
ore liquid velocities did not exceed the breakup level. The proposed mechan
ism could be demonstrated unequivocally with Pt-loaded sintered glass pelle
ts, affecting the gas-producing decomposition of H2O2. At oscillations of 3
bar and 3 Hz, the activity was more than doubled compared with atmospheric
conditions. The results were modeled assuming axial dispersion of the inte
rnal flow as the accelerating mechanism. The required gas holdup, being the
only input variable, corresponded well with the measured value at a consta
nt pressure. From the experimental results and model predictions, it is con
cluded that the acceleration of mass transfer in gas-producing systems offe
rs challenging perspectives for heterogeneous catalysis and biological ferm
entations The development of special macroporous carrier materials with a c
entral gas-filled cavity could lead to a novel type of reactor where liquid
flow through the catalyst is decisive.