Statement of problem. The Kevloc bonding system is based on the bond of acr
ylic resin with the metal surface, in contrast to the Silicoater system, wh
ich covers the metal surface with a SiOx-C layer. Bonding prevents the occu
rrence of the marginal gap between the metal and the resin, which causes we
aker bond strengths and discoloration.
Purpose. This investigation examined the bond strength values achieved by u
sing the Kevloc technique on Ag-Pd and Co-Cr alloys, and compared them with
those obtained by the Silicoater technique. After artificial aging, shear
testing of the specimens was performed.
Material and methods. A microscope image analyzer measured the thickness of
bonding layers to reveal any marginal gap.
Results. No marginal gap was noticed for either technique. The Kevloc techn
ique provided better results than Silicoater regardless of alloy used. Imme
rsion in water (7.64 to 8.05 MPa) and thermocycling (6.12 to 6.95 MPa) redu
ced the initial bond strength Values (12.52 to 12.94 MPa), but the breakdow
n occurred between the opaque layers or between the opaque and the resin, t
hus giving a cohesive type of failure.
Conclusion. The dental alloy used did not affect bond strengths and artific
ial aging caused reduction in bond strengths. The Kevloc bonding system exh
ibited higher bond strengths than Silicoater, but the marginal gap was not
seen for either bonding system.