In addition to its well known involvement in G(q/11)-mediated vasoconstrict
ion and its key roles in the homeostasis of electrolyte balances, the angio
tensin II type 1 (AT(1)) receptor activates mitogen-activated protein kinas
e (MAPK) and p42/44 extracellular signal-regulated kinase. The extracellula
r signal regulated kinase activation is mediated by activation of p21-Ras,
Raf-1, and MAPK kinase in rat vascular smooth muscle cells. The mechanism f
or G(q)-mediated activation of the tyrosine kinase pathways has not been cl
ear. It was found that the initial release of intracellular Ca2+ results in
the activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R), without au
tocrine release of epidermal growth factor. ECF-R provides a scaffold neede
d for the activation of p21-Ras, which leads to the activation of MAPK. MAP
K plays pivotal roles in the activation of complex growth-promoting pathway
s. The pathway from the EGF-R involves protein tyrosine phosphorylation ini
tiated by AT(1) receptors. On the other hand, the angiotensin II type 2 (AT
(2)) receptor counteracts the AT(1) receptor-mediated tyrosine kinase activ
ation by activating several tyrosine phosphatases and serine/threonine phos
phatases, and it suppresses the cell growth process stimulated by various g
rowth factors. The relative importance of AT(1) and AT(2) receptor actions
depends on the levels of AT(1) and AT(2) receptor expression.