All known Late Quaternary fossil avifaunas derived, at various times during
the last century, from cave, swamp and dune deposits in Southland, South I
sland, New Zealand, are described. Fifty eight native bird species are reco
rded from the deposits, notably including the fourth record of Dendroscanso
r decurvirostris. The few leiopelmatid and sphenodontid bones are also Bate
d. Taphonomic biases Limit comparison of faunal compositions across site-ty
pes to moas. However, the moa faunas reveal that quite different avifaunas
Lived in each of the dunes, alluvial swamplands and the well-drained low hi
lls, which probably reflects different vegetation communities in each. Sout
hland supported a mosaic of grassland, shrubland and tail, closed-canopy po
docarp forest during the Holocene. Radiocarbon dates on bone gelatin are pr
esented that indicate the fauna of Castle Rocks is of Late-Holocene age, th
e fauna from Hamiltons Swamp at Winton is of mid-Holocene age, and that fro
m Kauana is >37 080 years old. It is the oldest swamp fauna so far identifi
ed in New Zealand.