The morphology and histology of Australian placoderm scales which were foun
d associated with dermal plates are described and compared. The specimens i
nclude the arthrodire Buchanosteus confertituberculatus from the Early Devo
nian (Emsian) of Buchan, Victoria, the arthrodires Goodradigbeeon australia
nium and Buchanosteidae gen. et sp. indet., the acanthothoracid Murrindalas
pis wallacei from the Emsian of Taemas, New South Wales, and the antiarch W
urungulepis denisoni from the Emsian of the Broken River Group of northern
Queensland. Isolated scales from Emsian limestones of Taemas-Wee Jasper, N.
S.W., and Tyers, Victoria, and Lochkovian/Pragian assemblages from New Sout
h Wales and Queensland are also reviewed, to indicate the potential biostra
tigraphical value of placoderm scales in microvertebrate faunal assemblages
, and their relevance to phylogenetic analysis.