W. Dreher et D. Leibfritz, Detection of homonuclear decoupled in vivo proton NMR spectra using constant time chemical shift encoding: CT-PRESS, MAGN RES IM, 17(1), 1999, pp. 141-150
A new pulse sequence, termed CT-PRESS, is presented, which allows the detec
tion of in vivo H-1 NMR spectra with effective homonuclear decoupling. A PR
ESS sequence with a short echo-time TE, used for spatial localization, is s
upplemented by an additional 180 degrees pulse. The temporal position of th
is 180 degrees pulse is shifted within a series of experiments, while the t
ime interval between signal excitation and detection is kept constant. CT-P
RESS is a two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopic experiment as far as data acqu
isition and processing are concerned, although only diagonal signals are ge
nerated in the 2D spectrum. However, since the principle of constant time c
hemical shift encoding is used in the t(1) domain, effective homonuclear de
coupling is obtained by projecting the 2D spectrum onto the corresponding f
(1) axis. Thus, good spectral resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio are
obtained. The main advantage, as compared to localized 2D J-resolved MRS,
is that optimized experiments can be performed for coupled resonances of in
terest by choosing the sequence parameters dependent on the type of multipl
ets, the J-coupling constants and T-2. Major fields of application will be
parametric studies on coupled resonances, (e.g., T-1, diffusion behavior or
magnetization transfer) and/or the detection of spatial and temporal chang
es of metabolites with coupled spin systes. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Inc.