We report on a 7 1/2 year old child with familial homozygous hypercholester
olemia, insuccessfully treated by low cholesterol diet and cholesterol lowe
ring drugs over a period of 4 1/2 years. As a complication of the third IDL
apherese procedure, anemia had developed, followed by a myocardial infarct
ion. Coronary arteriogram showed significant coronary artery disease with m
ain stem stenosis and markedly impaired leftventricular contractility. Hypo
tension and bradycardia at the end of the invasive study prompted urgent ao
rtocoronary by pass operation. Despite successful insertion of a venous gra
ft, the patient die postoperatively in a low cardiac output.
Discussion:This case illustrates the high probability of familiar homozygou
s hypercholesterolemia of having coronary artery disease at an early age wh
ich can be complicated by myocardial infarction. It underlines the urgent n
eed for prompt reduction of cholesterol and LDL levels with apheresis to pr
event premature atherosclerotic death. In contrast to angiography two dimen
sional echocardiography laks sufficient sensitivity to demonstrate stenotic
lesion of the coronary arteries in children. Therefore, coronary angiograp
hy should be performed, if stenosis lesions are suspected.