Five bryozoan species were encountered in a 15-day survey of freshwater hab
itats in New Zealand. Listed in order of decreasing frequency these were: F
redericella sultana, Plumatella repens, P. emarginata, Paludicella articula
ta, and one plumatellid species not previously described. Microstructural f
eatures of the floatoblast annulus separate the P. repens specimens into tw
o distinct varieties, named here P. repens typica and P. repens rugosa. Pal
udicella, reported almost 100 years ago from the City of Dunedin waterworks
, was still found only in a single reservoir of that city. Species distribu
tion did not correlate significantly with water temperature, current veloci
ty, pH, or total dissolved solids. Two additional species believed to occur
in New Zealand, Fredericella australiensis and Plumatella fungosa, were no
t seen in this brief survey. An identification key is provided for New Zeal
and bryozoans.