We discuss properties of a recently proposed exactly SO(5)-symmetric ladder
model. In the strong coupling limit we demonstrate how the SO(3)-symmetric
description of spin ladders in terms of bond bosons can be upgraded to an
SO(5)-symmetric bond-boson model, which provides a particularly simple exam
ple for the concept of SO(5) symmetry. Based on this representation we show
that antiferromagnetism and superconductivity can be understood as condens
ation of either magnetic or charged bosons into a resonating-valence-bond v
acuum. We identify exact eigenstates of a finite cluster with general multi
plets of the SO(5) group, and present numerical results for the single part
icle, spin and charge spectra of the SO(5)-symmetric model and identify "fi
ngerprints" of SO(5) symmetry in these. In particular we show that SO(5) sy
mmetry implies a "generalized rigid band behavior" of the photoemission spe
ctrum, i.e., spectra for the doped case are rigorously identical to spectra
for spin-polarized states at half filling. [S0163-1829(98)06945-8].