Using a simple thermo-hydrodynamic model that respects relativistic causali
ty, we reexamine the analysis of the qualitative features of acoustic oscil
lations in the photon-baryon fluid. The growing photon mean free path intro
duces transient effects that can be modelled by the causal generalization o
f relativistic Navier-Stokes-Fourier theory. Causal thermodynamics provides
a more satisfactory hydrodynamic approximation to kinetic theory than the
quasi-stationary (and non-causal) approximations arising from standard ther
modynamics or from expanding the photon distribution to first order in Thom
son scattering time. The causal approach introduces small corrections to th
e dispersion relation obtained in quasi-stationary treatments. A dissipativ
e contri bution to the speed of sound slightly increases the frequency of t
he oscillations. The diffusion damping scale is slightly increased by the c
ausal corrections; Thus quasi-stationary approximations tend to over-estima
te the spacing and under-estimate the damping of acoustic peaks. In our sim
ple model, the fractional corrections at decoupling are greater than or sim
ilar to 10(-2). [S0556-2821(98)05224-2].