Despite efforts over the last 30 years to promote diversion from jail for i
ndividuals with serious mental illness who have engaged in criminal behavio
r, few jail diversion programs have been adequately studied. To guide devel
opment of jail diversion services and encourage empirical research on their
effectiveness, the authors describe the overall concept of jail diversion
and the basic operations of such a program. They also outline research issu
es in evaluating the effectiveness of jail diversion programs, including pr
oblems encountered in randomized field trials and quasiexperimental designs
. Implications of jail diversion services for mental health professionals i
nclude learning how to collaborate with law enforcement personnel, sufficie
ntly integrating mental health and substance abuse services into the crimin
al justice system despite segregated funding streams, and ensuring that cli
ents who are intensively monitored are also provided with adequate treatmen
t to avoid jail recidivism.