The topographic sequence of Oxisols, Inceptisols, and Ultisols is frequentl
y observed in tropical hilly surfaces in the southeastern region of Brazil.
The purpose of this study was to relate pedogenesis to major geomorphic su
rfaces (MGS) in the Caetes watershed,located in Paty do Alferes, Rio de Jan
eiro State. The landscape is characterized by steep bedrock hills and cliff
s of pre-Paleozoic gneiss, granite, and related metamorphic rocks rising ab
ove long, nearly Level, accordant ridge crests, convex hills, and narrow fl
uvial plains. Intense soil development, with deep weathering and kaolinite
formation in the gneiss-granite rock, took place on the ridges and convex h
ills. Six pedons were examined using field investigation and laboratory soi
l characterization techniques. The degree of pedogenesis on the various geo
morphic surfaces supports the landscape evolution theories of Penck and Kin
g. A Typic Hapludox, with the greatest degree of pedogenesis, formed on the
stable summit position, MGS1. The upper part of the retreating slope, MGS2
, bevels MGS1, and the material eroded from MGS2 moved downslope and formed
a surface with lower gradient, MGS3. Dystrochrepts are on shoulder positio
ns and shallow Hapludox are on backslope positions of the geomorphic surfac
e MGS2, and Kandiudults formed on footslopes, MGS3. Eutrochrepts are on the
youngest surface MGS4, a toeslope position.