Historically, Greece has had the highest burden of hepatitis B virus (HBV)
infection in the European Union (EU). Heterosexual contact is the primary m
eans of HBV transmission in Greece, accounting for approximately 30% of acu
te cases in adult males and 50% of acute cases in women of reproductive age
[Kattamis C, Papevangelou G. Workshop Group: Greece. Vaccine 1995:13:S97-S
98.]. In 1982, Greece implemented a hepatitis B prevention programme aimed
at high-risk groups; unfortunately, this approach had little impact on dise
ase incidence or prevalence. At the recommendation of the WHO and the World
Health Assembly and after sustained lobbying by several scientific and med
ical associations in Greece, the Greek government decided to implement a na
tional prevention programme for hepatitis B. The programme, in effect from
early 1998, includes the screening of pregnant women, universal infant and
adolescent immunization and immunization of high-risk groups. (C) 1998 Publ
ished by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.