We consider two methods of self-intersection elimination in the metamorphos
is of free-form planar curves. Both algorithms exploit a matching algorithm
and construct the best correspondence of the relative parameterizations of
the initial and final curves. The first algorithm investigates building an
d employing a homotopy H:[0, 1]xIR(3)-->IR3, where H(t, r) for t=0 and t=1
are two given planar curves C-1(r) and C-2(r). The first t parameter define
s the time of fixing the intermediate metamorphosis curve. The locus of H(t
, r) coincides with the ruled surface between C-1(r) and C-2(r), but each i
soparametric curve of H(r, r) is self-intersection free. The second algorit
hm suits morphing operations of planar curves. First, it constructs the bes
t correspondence of the relative parameterizations of the initial and final
curves. Then it eliminates the remaining self-intersections and flips back
the domains that self-intersect.