Disturbances of glucose metabolism with hyperinsulinism and peripheral insu
lin resistance are frequently observed in patients with hyperparathyroidism
. The mechanism of how hyperparathyroidism affects glucose metabolism is no
t known. Hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia and the parathyroid hormone itself
seem to be involved. However, parathyroidectomy ex erted rather variable e
ffects on glucose metabolism: In patients with fully developed diabetes mel
litus both, a complete normalisation of glucose tolerance as well as no cha
nge in the metabolic situation have been observed.
We report a 64-year old female patient with primary hyperparathyroidism and
diabetes mellitus. The patient had severe insulin resistance with insulin
requirements of 200 IU/day. Fasting insulin and C-peptide levels were eleva
ted. After successful operation of a parathyroid adenoma there was a marked
improvement in diabetes, and the patient's insulin requirement decreased t
o one third of the preoperative dose. This case further illustrates the ass
ociation between primary hyperparathyroidism and diabetes mellitus and the
potential improvement of the metabolic situation after parathyroidectomy.