Continuous forward now to the fetal heart in the umbilical vein is a normal
Doppler finding. Altered fetal hemodynamics can cause a pulsatile flow pat
tern in the umbilical vein. Pulsations in the umbilical vein were diagnosed
in 14 pregnancies complicated by fetal hydrops, cardiac malformations, arr
hythmia or severe intrauterine growth retardation. To document the fetal ou
tcome, the results were analysed retrospectively.
Compared with a normal Doppler group (N = 56), a signif icantly higher rate
of perinatal death (Alpha < 1%), (64% vs 1.75%) was diagnosed, when pulsat
ions in the umbilical vein were present. The Apgar-score was significantly
lower (4.5 vs 8.4) (p < 0.0002) in the group with pulsations in the umbilic
al vein. There was no significant difference of pH between the newborns of
the two groups. Eight fetuses developed hydrops. Thirteen fetuses had incre
ased reverse flow in the inferior vena cava. The vena cava of the acardiac
fetus could not be identified.
The knowledge of the poor outcome and the pathophysiologic relationships of
fetal hemodynamics may be useful in clinical management. Therefore Doppler
examination of the umbilical vein should be performed in high-risk pregnan