The relationship between the severity of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (mea
sured by steep study) and daytime sleepiness is poor. Variation in the degr
ee of arousal accompanying obstructive respiratory events might help explai
n this poor correlation. Polysomnographic records from patients with OSA we
re reviewed in order to extract representative examples of apneas and hypop
neas tin 10 patients), as well as events both supine and decubitus (in 12 p
atients). The EEC accompanying each obstructive event was processed with a
neural network technique to describe sleep depth on a second-by-second basi
s. The lengths of any visually evident microarousals were also measured man
ually. There was considerable interindividual variation in the degree of sl
eep disturbance using the neural network technique (p < 0.005), but not usi
ng the lengths of the visually scored microarousals (p = 0.6). The arousals
accompanying apneic events caused greater variabitity in sleep depth quant
ified using the neural network technique (p = 0.03), and also lasted longer
based on the visual scoring (mean, 12.6; SD, 1.7 s) than the hypopneic eve
nts (mean, 9.9; SD, 2.4 s; p = 0.02). There were no significant differences
between events occurring supine versus decubitus with either technique (p
= 0.7). These differences in arousal magnitude may explain some of the poor
correlations between conventional measures of sleep apnea severity and day
time sleepiness.