Single-crystal X-ray diffraction was performed in situ at T = 20,, 230, 465
, and 700 degrees C on a partially ordered lead feldspar (PbAl2Si2O8, I2/c,
a = 8.402, b = 13.033, c = 14.308 Angstrom, beta = 115.30 degrees, V = 141
7.6 Angstrom(3); Q(od) = 0.71), The unit-cell expansion (1.26 x 10(-5) degr
ees C-1) is close to that observed for other feldspars, sanidine in particu
lar, and occurs predominantly along a*. The electron-density at the Pb site
evolves with temperature toward a bean-like configuration close to that ob
served in disordered lend feldspar. The average Pb position approaches the
c-glide plane with increasing temperature. Consequently the intensity of th
e b-type reflections reduces dramatically without evidence of an increase o
f AI-Si disorder. The evolution of atomic displacement parameters of the Pb
atom with temperature supports the view that at room temperature Pb shows
considerable positional disorder. Dark-field in situ TEM observations show
that b antiphase domains (APD) persist unchanged in shape and size up to T
= 690 degrees C, No diffuse component appears in b-type reflections in SAD
patterns up to 935 degrees C, showing that the above changes in the Pb conf
iguration do not affect the APD. The results suggest that, at T > 700 degre
es C, Pb reaches the glide plane assuming a configuration that may favor th
e Al-Si disorder.