In the paper the mathematical description, numerical algorithm and also the
example of spherical casting solidification are presented. The casting is
made from binary alloy (Cu-Zn). It is assumed that the solidification tempe
rature is time-dependent and it results from the alloy component concentrat
ion near the solidification front. The course of macro-segregation phenomen
on is modelled using the mass balances at the set of control volumes distin
guished in domain of the casting considered. The mass balances are formulat
ed under the assumption of the instant equalization of composition in liqui
d and solid state (the lever-arm model). The Scheil model (the instant equa
lization of alloy component concentration in liquid state and the omission
of diffusion in solid state) is also analyzed. On the stage of numerical co
mputations the combined variant of the boundary element method (BEM) [1, 2,
3] supplemented by the alternating phase truncation method (APTM) [4, 5] i
s used. The additional new element of the algorithm proposed is the applica
tion of the BEM algorithm for objects oriented in rectangular co-ordinate s
ystem to numerical modelling of diffusion processes proceeding in spherical