Substantial numbers of mental health clients do not return following their
initial therapy visits or drop out of treatment prematurely Two general cla
sses of strategies designed to reduce premature attrition and enhance treat
ment participation are reviewed. Research on psychotherapy preparatory tech
niques (role induction, vicarious therapy pretraining, and experiential pre
training) indicates that these educational techniques are effective in redu
cing early treatment attrition and may be especially effective with populat
ions at high risk for dropout (e.g., lower socioeconomic groups, chronicall
y mentally ill clients, and institutionalized juvenile delinquents). Motiva
tional interviewing, a technique originally developed for clients with alco
hol problems, is designed to reduce client ambivalence toward therapy and c
hange and enhance commitment to and motivation for treatment. Research in t
he alcohol field suggests that a session of pretreatment motivational inter
viewing enhances treatment outcome. Both motivational interviewing and psyc
hotherapy preparatory techniques are relatively brief and easy to incorpora
te into existing mental health care.