The aim of this research was to compare energy values, nitrogen metabolism
and diet digestibility of four barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars grown
in two different years, to identify the most important factors affecting va
riation. Six wether lambs (39.4 +/- 1.6 kg) were assigned within period in
a randomized complete block design to barley cultivar (1990 Camelot, 1990 C
ougbar, 1990 Steptoe, 1991 Boyer, 1991 Camelot and 1991 Steptoe) and consum
ed a diet of 83% barley, 10% alfalfa pellets and 7% supplement on a DM basi
s. During each 14-d period, feed, orts, fecal and urine samples were collec
ted during the last 7 d and methane emissions were quantified. Digestibilit
y of NDF polymeric monosaccharides was lower (P < 0.10) for wethers fed 199
0 Steptoe than all cultivars other than 1991 Boyer and was positively corre
lated to methane production (r = 0.52). Barley DE was not different among c
ultivars but, because methane production was greater (P < 0.10) for lambs f
ed 1991 Boyer (38 L d(-1)) than for those fed 1990 Steptoe (21 L d(-1)) and
1990 Camelot (26 L d(-1)), barley ME content of 1991 Boyer (12.3 MJ kg(-1)
OM) was lower (P < 0.10) than for 1990 Steptoe (13.4 MJ kg(-1) OM). Nitrog
en digestibility in lambs fed Camelot grown both years was greater (P < 0.0
5) than for most cultivars. Absorbed nitrogen was greatest (P < 0.10) in la
mbs fed 1991 Camelot and nitrogen retention (g d(-1)) tended to be greater
than 1990 Cougbar (P = 0.14) and 1990 Camelot (P = 0.16) fed lambs. Cougbar
, Boyer and 1991 Steptoe had lower feeding quality for ruminants because of
lower energy and/or nitrogen metabolism, while both years of Camelot and 1
990 Steptoe had greater ME values. Methane production, digestibility of NDF
polymeric monosaccharides and nitrogen metabolism were major factors contr
ibuting to variability among barley cultivars within and between years.