Thermoacoustic instability was investigated and controlled in an experiment
al low-emission swirl stabilized combustor, in which the acoustic boundary
conditions were modified to obtain combustion instability. Several axisymme
tric and helical unstable modes were identified for fully premixed and part
ially premixed/diffusion combustion. These unstable modes were associated w
ith flow instabilities related to the recirculation region on the combustor
axis and shear layer instabilities at the sudden expansion (dump plane). T
he spatial locations of the intense combustion regions associated with the
different unstable modes were visualized by phase locked images of OH chemi
luminescence. The axisymmetric mode showed large variation of the heat rele
ase during one cycle, while the helical modes showed variations in the radi
al location of maximal heat release. A closed loop active control system wa
s employed to suppress the thermoacoustic pressure oscillations and to redu
ce NOx emissions. Microphone and OH emission sensors were utilized to monit
or the combustion process and provide input to the control system. Acoustic
actuation was utilized to modulate the air flow to affect the mixing proce
ss and the combustion. Suppression levels of up to 5 dB in the pressure osc
illations and a concomitant reduction of NO, emissions were obtained using
an acoustic power of less than 0.002% of the combustion power. The micropho
ne based controller was slightly more efficient than the OH-based controlle
r. This was due to the reduced coherence of the combusting, large-scale str
uctures which resulted in a deterioration of the OH signal when the control
ler became effective.