it is widely recognized that exposure to combinations or mixtures of chemic
als may result in highly exaggerated toxicity even though individual chemic
als might not be toxic at low doses. Chemical mixtures may also cause addit
ive or less than additive toxicity. From the perspective of public health,
highly exaggerated toxicity is of significant concern. Assessment of risk f
rom exposure to chemical mixtures requires knowledge of the underlying mech
anisms, Previous studies from this laboratory have shown that nontoxic dose
s of chlordecone (10 ppm, 15 days) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) (100 mu
l/kg) interact at the biologic interface, resulting in potentiated liver in
jury and 67-fold amplification of CCl4 lethality, In contrast, although int
eraction between phenobarbital and CCl4 leads to even higher injury, animal
survival is unaffected because of highly stimulated compensatory tissue re
pair. A wide variety of additional experimental evidence confirms the centr
al role of stimulated tissue repair as a decisive determinant of the final
outcome of liver injury inflicted by hepatotoxicants. These findings led us
to propose a two-stage model of toxicity. in this model, tissue injury is
inflicted in stage one by the well-described mechanisms of toxicity, wherea
s in stage two the ultimate toxic outcome is determined by whether timely a
nd sufficient tissue repair response accompanies this injury, In an attempt
to validate this model, dose-response relationships for injury and tissue
repair as opposing responses have been developed for model hepatotoxicants.
Results of these studies suggest that tissue repair increases in a dose-de
pendent manner, restraining injury up to a threshold dose, whereupon it is
inhibited, allowing an unrestrained progression of injury, These findings i
ndicate that tissue repair is a quantifiable response to toxic injury and t
hat inclusion of this response in risk assessment may help in fine-tuning p
rediction of toxicity outcomes.