Purpose: To describe a family in whom two sisters with epilepsy, mental ret
ardation, and microcephaly had different malformations of cortical developm
ent detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Methods: Clinical investigation of the patients and their family. High-reso
lution MRI, cognitive testing, and repeated EEG recording in both patients.
Results: In one patient, the malformation was bilateral and diffuse but muc
h more pronounced in the parietal and occipital regions, with MRI character
istics indicating pachygyria-polymicrogyria. In the other patient, the abno
rmality involved the right hemisphere, predominating around the perisylvian
region, with MRI more clearly indicative of polymicrogyria. A brother also
had severe epilepsy, diffuse EEG abnormalities, mental retardation, and mi
crocephaly, but could not be studied neuroradiologically.
Conclusions: Lack of MRI studies in the parents and brother does not allow
a precise hypothesis on the mode of transmission. However, findings from th
is family indicate that unilateral malformations of cortical development de
tected during investigations after seizure onset may be genetically based,
suggesting that a single genetic abnormality could be responsible for bilat
eral or unilateral malformations.