Possible associations between parent-child interaction and adolescent well-
being have been explored from a number of theoretical perspectives. in the
present study attachment theory was used as a general theoretical framework
to study these associations with attention being concentrated on one parti
cular aspect of adolescent well-being, i. e., loneliness and attitudes towa
rds being alone. Measures of adolescent attachment style (based on ratings
of both normal family scenes and stressful separation situations) and a mul
tidimensional measure of loneliness were administered to two samples of Bel
gian (Dutch-speaking) adolescents aged 15 to 18 (n=200 and n=357, respectiv
ely). Subjects were classified into four attachment groups: Secure, Depende
nt, Anxious-Ambivalent and Avoidant. Results indicated that Securely attach
ed adolescents experienced lower levels of parent-related loneliness and th
is effect extended to loneliness ib the relationships with peers. A version
to being alone was experienced more strongly among Dependently attached ad
olescents. Finally, adolescents wire evidenced Avoidant or Anxious-Ambivale
nt attachment felt more positive about being on their own. Implications of
these findings for attachment theory ai-e discussed and problems associated
with the four-category model of attachment as used in the present study ar
e outlined.