Stimulated by Wilson's contentions in The Truly Disadvantaged about the del
eterious consequences of concentrated poverty, policy makers have considere
d various ways of creating mixed-income communities. Lake Pare Place is a b
old effort to create mixed-income housing in buildings that were formerly a
traditional low-income housing project and that are still owned by the Chi
cago Housing Authority.
Low rents and promises of safety have attracted a sufficient number of "non
project" residents to fill half the units at Lake Pare Place. This article
examines whether these residents feel safe and satisfied, and whether they
interact and form friendships with neighbors, get involved in volunteer act
ivities at Lake Pare Place, and support rule enforcement. We present findin
gs from a large survey of Lake Pare Place residents and from in-depth inter
views with a subset of the survey sample. We find that Lake Pare Place acco
mplished the prerequisites for making mixed-income housing into a community