The objective of the reported experiments is to gain basic understanding of
possible increase and control of solid propellant burning rates through th
e addition of electrical energy.
The tests were performed in a closed vessel allowing for the addition of el
ectrical energy during the burning phase of the propellant. The vessel is d
esigned for testing the idea of leading the current through the propellant'
s dense, ionized, and possibly conducting reaction zone. Electrical energy
is thus released as heat in immediate vicinity of the unburnt propellant su
rface where the heat feedback is supposed to be most efficient. A 300 kJ pu
lsed power supply provides the electrical energy. Pressure, current and vol
tage are measured.
This is the first report on results from the initial series of tests. Prima
ry results presented are pressure/time curves and discharged energy. Pressu
re measurements are compared to simulations based on the measured discharge
d energy.