A robust new algorithm for electromagnetic (Eh) optimization of microwave c
ircuits is presented. The algorithm (TRASM) integrates a trust region metho
dology with the aggressive space mapping (ASR I). The trust region ensures
that each iteration results in improved alignment between the coarse and fi
ne models needed to execute ASM. The parameter extraction step is a crucial
part of the AS1\1 technique. The nonuniqueness of this step may result in
the divergence of the technique. To improve the uniqueness of the extractio
n phase, we developed a recursive multipoint parameter extraction. This sug
gested step exploits all the available Ehl simulations for improving the un
iqueness of parameter extraction, The new algorithm was successfully used t
o design a number of microwave circuits, Examples include the Ehl optimizat
ion of a double-folded stub filter and of a high-temperature superconductin
g (HTS) filter using Sonnet's em, The proposed algorithm was also used to d
esign two-section, three-section, and seven-section waveguide transformers
exploiting Maxwell Eminence. The design of a three-section waveguide transf
ormer with rounded corners was carried out using HP HFSS, We show how the m
apping can be used to carry out Monte Carlo analysis using only coarse mode
l simulations.