While monolithic integrated-circuit technology promises a practical means f
or realizing reliable reproducible planar millimeter and submillimeter-wave
circuits, conventional planar circuits do not allow for critical post-fabr
ication optimization of performance. A 620-GHz quasi-optical monolithic det
ector circuit is used here to demonstrate the performance of two integrated
micromechanical planar tuning elements. This is the first reported demonst
ration of integrated micromechanical tuning at submillimeter wavelengths. T
he tuning elements, called sliding planar backshorts (SPB's), are used to a
djust the electrical length of planar transmission-line tuning stubs to var
y the power delivered between a substrate-lens coupled planar antenna and a
thin-film bismuth detector over a range of nearly 15 dB, The circuit perfo
rmance agrees with theoretical calculations and microwave measurements of a
-0.06-dB reflection coefficient made for a scale model of the integrated t
uners. The demonstrated tuning range for the SPB tuners indicates that they
can be valuable for characterizing components in developmental circuits an
d for optimizing the in-use performance of various millimeter and submillim
eter-wave integrated circuits.