Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) grids are often described as being div
ergence-free in a source-free region of space. However, in the presence of
a source, the continuity equation states that charges may be deposited in t
he grid, while Gauss's law dictates that the fields must diverge from any d
eposited charge. The FDTD method will accurately predict the (diverging) fi
elds associated with charges deposited by a source embedded in the grid. Ho
wever, the behavior of the charge differs from that of charge in the physic
al world, unless the FDTD implementation is explicitly modified to include
charge dynamics. Indeed, the way in which charge behaves in an FDTD grid na
turally leads to the definition of grid capacitance. This grid capacitance,
though small, is an intrinsic property of the grid and is independent of t
he way in which energy is introduced, To account for this grid capacitance,
one should use a slightly modified form of the lumped-element capacitor mo
del currently used.