A position and speed sensorless control using the counter electromotive for
ce of permanent-magnet motor (PM) debases the control performance at a low
speed. We will propose a controllable system at full speed, including a zer
o speed using saliency.
At low speed, the sensorless control is made by observing a current ripple
at a time when alternating voltage has been applied to a salient-pole motor
. Also, for discriminating the S and N poles of the magnet, magnetic satura
tion is used. A device has been applied to the motor rotor to allow the mag
netic saturation to come about easily,
Furthermore, at a time of high speed, drive at a full-speed range has been
accomplished by switching smoothly over to a sensorless driving system maki
ng use of counter electromotive force. All algorithms are implemented by so
ftware, and this system can operate successively from starting to high-spee
d operation,
Shown herein are the operational principles at a low speed, analysis and ex
perimental results, the control scheme, how to changeover the control mode
at a high speed, and the experimental results.