When computing descriptors of image data, the type of information that can
be extracted may be strongly dependent on the scales at which the image ope
rators are applied. This article presents a systematic methodology for addr
essing this problem. A mechanism is presented for automatic selection of sc
ale levels when detecting one-dimensional image features, such as edges and
A novel concept of a scale-space edge is introduced, defined as a connected
set of points in scale-space at which: (i) the gradient magnitude assumes
a local maximum in the gradient direction, and (ii) a normalized measure of
the strength of the edge response is locally maximal over scales. An impor
tant consequence of this definition is that it allows the scale levels to v
ary along the edge. Two specific measures of edge strength are analyzed in
detail, the gradient magnitude and a differential expression derived from t
he third-order derivative in the gradient direction. For a certain way of n
ormalizing these differential descriptors, by expressing them in terms of s
o-called gamma-normalized derivatives, an immediate consequence of this def
inition is that the edge detector will adapt its scale levels to the local
image structure. Specifically, sharp edges will be detected at tine scales
so as to reduce the shape distortions due to scale-space smoothing, whereas
sufficiently coarse scales will be selected at diffuse edges, such that an
edge model is a valid abstraction of the intensity profile across the edge
Since the scale-space edge is defined from the intersection of two zero-cro
ssing surfaces in scale-space, the edges will by definition form closed cur
ves. This simplifies selection of salient edges, and a novel significance m
easure is proposed, by integrating the edge strength along the edge. Moreov
er, the scale information associated with each edge provides useful clues t
o the physical nature of the edge.
With just slight modifications, similar ideas can be used for formulating r
idge detectors with automatic selection, having the characteristic property
that the selected scales on a scale-space ridge instead reflect the width
of the ridge.
It is shown how the methodology can be implemented in terms of straightforw
ard visual front-end operations, and the validity of the approach is suppor
ted by theoretical analysis as well as experiments on real-world and synthe
tic data.