In this paper we report Italian data on X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD)
collected from 1985 to 1997. This disease appears to be the most common of
the peroxisomal disorders and is associated with a functional defect of th
e peroxisomal very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) oxidation. In Italy 117 ca
ses have been recognized, but many cases may be unrecognized due to the het
erogeneous clinical manifestations that vary from mild to very severe forms
. To control the devastating course of this disease two therapeutic approac
hes are under evaluation: bone marrow transplantation (BMT) and dietary tre
atment based on a mixture of glyceroyl trioleate (GTO) and glyceroyl trieru
cate (GTE). Our experience of 68 subjects submitted to dietary treatment sh
ows that almost all patients with signs of cerebral involvement at the begi
nning of treatment worsened or died, patients with the milder form, adrenom
yeloneuropathy (AMN), remained stable, while 4 of the 15 presymptomatic sub
jects developed neurological signs of the disease. In recent years a more a
ccurate selection of patients and donors for BMT has given favourable resul
ts, but some strict criteria should be respected.