This study investigated self-partner agreement on a measure of interpersona
l problems as well as the relationship between discrepancy in self-partner
ratings and self-reported symptomatology Both partners of 49 young adult co
uples rated themselves and their partners on the Inventory of Interpersonal
Problems (IIP: Horowitt. Rosenberg. Baer. Ureno. &Villasenor. 1988). The r
esults demonstrated that couples generally evidenced significant agreement
in characterizing the interpersonal problems of each target person, suggest
ing that the substantial self-partner agreement previously reported for per
sonality traits generalizes to the domain of interpersonal problems. Result
s also indicated that the relationship between self-partner discrepancy and
symptomatology depended on the target person's gender. Finally. the data p
rovide preliminary evidence of the psychometric properties of an observer f
orm of the IIP. including its circular structure. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Son
s. Inc.