In the United States, many healthcare organizations are being transformed i
nto large integrated delivery systems, even though currently available empi
rical evidence does not provide strong or unequivocal support for or agains
t vertical integration. Unfortunately, the manager cannot delay organizatio
nal changes until further research has been completed, especially when furt
her research is not likely to reveal a single, correct solution for the div
erse healthcare systems in existence.
Managers must therefore carefully evaluate the expected effects of integrat
ion on their individual organizations. Vertical integration may be appropri
ate if conditions facing the healthcare organization provide opportunities
for efficiency gains through reorganization strategies. Managers must consi
der (I) how changes in the healthcare market have affected the dynamics of
production efficiency and transaction costs; (2) the likelihood that integr
ation strategies will achieve increases in efficiency or reductions in tran
saction costs; and (3) how vertical integration will affect other costs, an
d whether the benefits gained will outweigh additional costs and efficiency
losses. This article presents reimbursement systems as an example of how r
ecent changes in the industry may have changed the dynamics and efficiency
of production. Evaluation of the effects of vertical integration should all
ow for reasonable adjustment time, but obviously unsuccessful strategies sh
ould not be followed or maintained.