The main possible physical mechanisms of drying creep of concrete under com
pression and tension and their limitations are considered herein. The pheno
menological approach describing drying creep of concrete as a sum of shrink
age-induced creep and creep-induced shrinkage, presented by the writer in a
previous work, is revised and corrected. In view of the new data, the expe
rimental results obtained for load-free sealed concrete specimens subjected
to drying prior to sealing indicate swelling behavior due to the change of
vapor pressure above water menisci. Such a swelling deformation should be
subtracted from the basic creep strain measured in sealed specimens. After
this correction, the curve of drying creep under tension loses its "abnorma
l'' character and becomes the regular drying creep curve. The mechanism of
drying creep based on the stress-induced shrinkage is called into question,
because the corrected drying creep strain represents the extra creep (but
not the extra shrinkage) component within the whole range of loading durati