Three techniques, constant-potential amperometry, high-speed chronoamperome
try, and fast-scan cyclic voltammetry, have been used extensively to invest
igate the rapid events associated with neurotransmission. These techniques
vary in sensitivity, chemical resolution and temporal resolution. Amperomet
ry provides the best temporal resolution but little chemical resolution. Fa
st-scan cyclic voltammetry provides both good temporal and chemical resolut
ion, while high-speed chronoamperometry offers good temporal resolution and
moderate chemical resolution. The amount of chemical information which is
needed for a neurochemical measurement depends upon the sample. For single
cells, secondary methods, such as HPLC and capillary electrophoresis, offer
extensive chemical information about the contents of a cell. With this inf
ormation, chemical information is not needed during the electrochemical mea
surement. Therefore, amperometry is employed to obtain the greatest tempora
l resolution. However, when using more complex biological samples, such as
brain slices or in vivo implantation, there is a greater demand for chemica
l resolution provided by the electrochemical measurement. To bolster result
s, further confirmation is sought from anatomical, physiological and pharma
ceutical evidence. Within this review, the three electrochemical techniques
are outlined and compared. Examples are then provided of measurements whic
h have been made in the three predominant biological samples which have bee
n studied: single cells, brain slices and intact animals. (C) 1999 Elsevier
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