Regarding the effects of W-B radiation on aquatic ecosystems, recent scient
ific and public interest has focused on marine primary producers and on the
aquatic web, which has resulted in a multitude of studies indicating mostl
y detrimental effects of UV-B radiation on aquatic organisms. The interest
has expanded to include ecologically significant groups and major biomass p
roducers using mesocosm studies, emphasizing species interactions. This pap
er assesses the effects of UV-B radiation on dissolved organic matter, deco
mposers, primary and secondary producers, and briefly summarizes recent stu
dies in freshwater and marine systems.
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) are deg
radation products of living organisms. These substances are of importance i
n the cycling of carbon in aquatic ecosystems. UV-B radiation has been foun
d to break down high-molecular-weight substances and make them available to
bacterial degradation. In addition, DOC is responsible for short-wavelengt
h absorption in the water column. Especially in coastal areas and freshwate
r ecosystems, penetration of solar radiation is limited by high concentrati
ons of dissolved and particulate matter. On the other hand, climate warming
and acidification result in faster degradation of these substances and thu
s enhance the penetration of UV radiation into the water column.
Several research groups have investigated light penetration into the water
column. Past studies on UV penetration into the water column were based on
temporally and spatially scattered measurements. The process of spectral at
tenuation of radiant energy in natural waters is well understood and straig
htforward to model. Less known is the spatial and temporal variability of i
n-water optical properties influencing UV attenuation and there are few lon
g-term observations. In Europe, this deficiency of measurements is being co
rrected by a project involving the development of a monitoring system (ELDO
NET) for solar radiation using three-channel dosimeters (UV-A, W-B, PAR) th
at are being installed from Abisko (North Sweden, 68 degrees N, 19 degrees
E) to Tenerife (Canary Islands, 27 degrees N, 17 degrees W). Some of the in
struments have been installed in the water column (North Sea, Baltic Sea, K
attegat, East and Western Mediterranean, North Atlantic), establishing the
first network of underwater dosimeters for continuous monitoring.
Bacteria play a vital role in mineralization of organic matter and provide
a trophic Link to higher organisms. New techniques have substantially chang
ed our perception of the role of bacteria in aquatic ecosystems over the re
cent past and bacterioplankton productivity is far greater than previously
thought, having high division and turnover rates. It has been shown that ba
cterioplankton play a central role in the carbon flux in aquatic ecosystems
by taking up DOC and remineralizing the carbon. Bacterioplankton are more
prone to W-B stress than larger eukaryotic organisms and, based on one stud
y, produce about double the amount of cyclobutane dimers. Recently, the mec
hanism of nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria has been shown to be affected
by UV-B stress. Wetlands constitute important ecosystems both in the tropic
s and at temperate latitudes. In these areas, cyanobacteria form major cons
tituents in microbial mats. The organisms optimize their position in the co
mmunity by vertical migration in the mat, which is controlled by both visib
le and W-B radiation. Cyanobacteria are also important in tropical and sub-
tropical rice paddy fields, where they contribute significantly to the avai
lability of nitrogen. Solar UV radiation affects growth, development and se
veral physiological responses of these organisms.
On a global basis, phytoplankton are the most important biomass producers i
n aquatic ecosystems. The organisms populate the top layers of the oceans a
nd freshwater habitats where they receive sufficient solar radiation for ph
otosynthetic processes. New research strengthens previous evidence that sol
ar UV affects growth and reproduction, photosynthetic energy-harvesting enz
ymes and other cellular proteins, as well as photosynthetic pigment content
s. The uptake of ammonium and nitrate is affected by solar radiation in phy
toplankton, as well as in macroalgae. Damage to phytoplankton at the molecu
lar, cellular, population and community levels has been demonstrated. In co
ntrast, at the ecosystem level there are few convincing data with respect t
o the effects of ozone-related W-B increases and considerable uncertainty r
emains. Following UV-B irradiation, shifts in phytoplankton community struc
ture have been demonstrated, which may have consequences for the food web.
Macroalgae and seagrasses are important biomass producers in aquatic ecosys
tems (but considerably smaller than phytoplankton). In contrast to phytopla
nkton, most of these organisms are sessile and can thus not avoid exposure
to solar radiation at their growth site. Recent investigations showed a pro
nounced sensitivity to solar W-B radiation, and effects have been found thr
oughout the top 10-15 m of the water column. Photoinhibition can be quantif
ied by oxygen exchange or by PAM (pulse amplitude modulated) fluorescence.
Surface-adapted macroalgae, such as several brown and green algae, show a m
aximum of oxygen production at or close to the surface; whereas algae adapt
ed to lower irradiances usually thrive best when exposed deeper in the wate
r column. Mechanisms of protection and repair are being investigated.
UV effects on aquatic animals are of increased interest. Evidence for UV ef
fects has been demonstrated in zooplankton activity. Other UVB-sensitive aq
uatic organisms include sea urchins, corals and amphibians. Solar UV radiat
ion has been known to affect corals directly. In addition, photosynthesis i
n their symbiotic algae is impaired, resulting in reduced organic carbon su
pply. Amphibian populations are in serious decline in many areas of the wor
ld, and scientists are seeking explanations for this phenomenon. Most amphi
bian population declines are probably due to habitat destruction or habitat
alteration. Some declines are probably the result of natural population fl
uctuations. Other explanations for the population declines and reductions i
n range include disease, pollution, atmospheric changes and introduced comp
etitors and predators. W-B radiation is one agent that may act in conjuncti
on with other stresses to affect amphibian populations adversely.
The succession of algal communities is controlled by a complex array of ext
ernal conditions, stress factors and interspecies influences. Freshwater ec
osystems have a high turnover and the success of an individual species is d
ifficult to predict, but the development of general patterns of community s
tructure follows defined routes. There is a strong predictive relationship
between DOC concentration and the depth to which UV radiation penetrates in
lakes. Since DOC varies widely, freshwater systems display a wide range of
sensitivity to UV penetration. In these systems, increased solar UV-B radi
ation is an additional stress factor that may change species composition an
d biomass productivity.
The Arctic aquatic ecosystem is one of the most productive ecosystems on ea
rth and is a source of fish and crustaceans for human consumption. Both end
emic and migratory species breed and reproduce in this ocean in spring and
early summer, at a time when recorded increases in W-B radiation are maxima
l. Productivity in the Arctic ocean has been reported to be higher and more
heterogeneous than in the Antarctic ocean. In the Bering Sea, the sea-edge
communities contribute about 40-50% of the total productivity. Because of
the shallow water and the prominent stratification of the water layer, the
phytoplankton are more exposed and affected by solar W-B radiation. In addi
tion, many economically important fish (e.g., herring, pollock, cod and sal
mon) spawn in shallow waters where they are exposed to increased solar UV-B
radiation. Many of the eggs and early larval stages are found at or near t
he surface. Consequently, reduced productivity of fish and other marine cro
ps is possible but has not been demonstrated.
There is increased consensus, covering a wide range of aquatic ecosystems,
that environmental W-B, independent of ozone-related increases, is an impor
tant ecological stress that influences the growth, survival and distributio
n of phytoplankton. Polar ecosystems, where ozone-related UV-B increases ar
e the greatest and which are globally significant ecosystems, are of partic
ular concern. However, these ecosystems are characterized by large spatial
and temporal variability, which makes it difficult to separate out UV-B-spe
cific effects on single species or whole phytoplankton communities. There i
s clear evidence for short-term effects. In one study a 4-23% photoinhibiti
on of photosystem II activity was measured under the ozone hole. However, e
xtrapolation of short-term effects to long-term ecological consequences req
uires various complex effects to be accounted for and quantitative evaluati
on remains uncertain. (C) 1998 UNEP. Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All
rights reserved.