Steady drift of an ice cover produces a vertically sheared current in the u
pper ocean of the Arctic. Under the ice cover, mesoscale shallow brine and
freshening sources generate submerged anticyclones and cyclones, respective
ly. A submerged eddy extending deep into the water column experiences diffe
rential advections by the vertically sheared current. Interaction between s
ubsurface eddies and the sheared current is examined using a three-dimensio
nal numerical model in a coordinate system moving with the ice. The initial
salinity field is in geostrophic balance with the sheared current, and a p
ulse of brine or freshening forcing produces an anticyclone or a cyclone. I
n a coordinate system moving with the ice, eddies are in a vertically shear
ed backward ambient current. To an observer looking into the direction of t
he backward ambient current, eddies move with the current and deflect to th
e right (left) for counterclockwise (clockwise) rotating eddies in both hem
ispheres. The lower half of the eddy always moves faster. The lateral movem
ent can be explained by the Kutta-Zhukhovski lift theorem. Differential adv
ection produces eddy tilting and entails the development of a narrow jet fo
llowing the moving eddy. The jet reduces eddy straining and tilting, and ed
dies disperse in cases of sizeable tilts. Driven by a vertically sheared cu
rrent, cyclones are short-lived compared with anticyclones because the late
ral movement of a cyclone exposes the lower part of the eddy into waters of
weaker stratification. The results help explain the predominance of anticy
clonic eddies under the Arctic ice.