We characterized phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) activity in isolated rabbit ve
ntricular myocytes with respect to subcellular distribution, substrate spec
ificity, and Ca2+ dependency. Membrane-associated PLA(2) was found to be an
order of magnitude greater than cytosolic PLA(2). Ventricular myocyte PLA(
2) activity was enhanced following protease-activated receptor stimulation
with thrombin and was found to be largely Ca independent and selective for
phospholipid substrates containing arachidonic acid at the sn-2 position. I
mmunoblot analysis using an antibody to cytosolic Ca2+-independent PLA(2) f
rom Chinese hamster ovary cells recognized a membrane-associated protein wi
th a molecular mass of approximately 80 kDa; however, differences in pH opt
ima, response to inhibitors, and substrate selectivity of membrane-associat
ed and cytosolic PLA(2) activity suggest the presence of multiple Ca2+-inde
pendent PLA(2). Pretreatment with bromoenol lactone, a specific inhibitor o
f Ca2+-independent PLA(2), significantly attenuated membrane-associated and
cytosolic PLA(2) in unstimulated and thrombin-stimulated myocytes. Pretrea
tment with methyl arachiodnyl fluorophosphonate, mepacrine, or dibucaine ha
d no significant effect on PLA(2) activity under all conditions tested. Ven
tricular myocyte PLA(2) activity was significantly inhibited by ATP, GTP, a
nd their nonhydrolyzable analogs and was regulated by protein kinase C acti
vity. These studies demonstrate the presence of one or more unique membrane
-associated Ca2+-independent PLA(2) in isolated ventricular myocytes that e
xhibit a preference for phospholipids with arachidonate at the sn-2 positio
n and that are activated by thrombin stimulation.