The use of stomach temperature data loggers to record prey ingestion has pr
oven to be very valuable when combined with time-depth recorders and satell
ite tracking devices in studies of seabird foraging ecology. This paper pre
sents a similar system that will allow biologists to determine the precise
timing and location of foraging by pinnipeds. The system includes a stomach
temperature transmitter and an animal-mounted instrument package. The inst
rument package contains a satellite transmitter, for remote tracking of mov
ements, and a data logger, for recording dive depth, swim speed, water temp
erature, and stomach temperature (made possible by an incorporated telemetr
y receiver). The instrument package can be remotely released upon command t
o allow data recovery without animal recapture. The system was tested on 6
Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus in Southeast Alaska and found to be a
powerful tool for quantifying foraging behaviour, although some suggestions
for improve ment are presented.