Purpose: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) remains one of the most difficult and
costly medical problems in the industrialized world. A review of nineteent
h and early twentieth century spine rehabilitation shows that back disorder
s were commonly treated with aggressive and specific progressive resistance
exercise (PRE). Despite a lack of scientific evidence to support their eff
icacy, therapeutic approaches to back rehabilitation over the past 30 yr ha
ve focused primarily upon passive care for symptom relief. Recent spine reh
abilitation programs have returned to active reconditioning PRE centered ar
ound low back strengthening to restore normal musculoskeletal function. Res
earch has shown that lumbar extension exercise using PRE significantly incr
eases strength and decreases pain in CLBP patients. It appears that isolate
d lumbar extension exercise with the pelvis stabilized using specialized eq
uipment elicits the most favorable improvements in low back strength, muscl
e cross-sectional area, and vertebral bone mineral density (BMD). These imp
rovements occur with a low training volume of 1 set of 8 to 15 repetitions
performed to volitional fatigue one time per week. CLBP patients participat
ing in isolated lumbar extension PRE programs demonstrate significant reduc
tions in pain and symptoms associated with improved muscle strength, endura
nce, and joint mobility. Improvements occur independent of diagnosis, are l
ong-lasting, and appear to result in less re-utilization of the health care
system than other more passive treatments. Low back strengthening shows pr
omise for the reduction of industrial back injuries and associated costs.