tmRNA (10Sa RNA) has a central role in trans-translation, in which a peptid
e tag encoded in tmRNA is added to the abnormally short protein product of
a broken mRNA, as a signal for proteolysis of the entire tagged protein. Th
e tmRNA website was established in 1997 as a resource for phylogenetic cons
iderations of tmRNA structure and function. Since then, th ree partial tmRN
A sequences have been completed, and sequences from 13 more species have be
en identified. Forty-six species from 10 bacterial phyla and chloroplasts a
re now represented in the database. Provisional sequence alignments and pre
dicted proteolysis tag sequences are provided, as well as a literature revi
ew and a guide to searching for new tmRNA sequences. The tmRNA website is a
ccessible via WWW at a new URL:http:/ to
kwilliam/ tmRNA/home.html.