The Olfactory Receptor Database (ORDB) is a WWW-accessible database that st
ores data on Olfactory Receptor-like molecules (ORs) and has been open to t
he public since June 1996. it contains a public and a private area. The pub
lic area includes published DNA and protein sequence data for ORs, links to
OR models and data on their expression, chromosomal localization and sourc
e organism, as well as (i) links to bibliography through PubMed and (ii) in
teractive WWW-based tools, such as BLAST homology searching. The private ar
ea functions as a service to laboratories that are actively cloning recepto
rs, Source laboratories enter the sequences of the receptor clones they hav
e characterized to the private database and can search for identical or nea
r identical OR sequences in both public and private databases. If another l
aboratory has cloned and deposited an identical or closely matching sequenc
e there are means for communication between the laboratories to help avoid
duplication of work. ORDB is available via the WWW at