UKPDS: The results of the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS)
were reported in 1998. This multi-center, prospective, randomized, interve
ntion trial of 5102 newly-diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
was aimed at determining whether improved blood glucose control can prevent
complications and reduce associated morbidity and mortality.
The results: Improved blood glucose control was shown to reduce the number
of complications, mainly by reducing the effect of microangiopathy. There w
as however no reduction in the number of diabetes-related deaths nor in the
risk of myocardial dial infarction or sudden death.
Controversy over calcium antagonists: Calcium antagonists are suspected of
increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. On the basis of published re
ports, the JNC VI guidelines are recommended: calcium antagonists should no
t be used as first line treatment in diabetics.
Recent drugs: Acarbose, an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, lowers post-prandia
l blood glucose level. It has marketing approval for single-drug regimens i
n France Miglitol, another alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, would have the same
therapeutic effect Orliatort, an gastro-intestinal lipase inhibitor, is in
dicated in obese patients but long-term results are lacking to evaluate eff
ects in diabetics.