Kaposi's sarcoma in its sporadic or HIV-related form is due to a gamma herp
esvirus, the human herpes virus 8 (HHV8). No data have been published on th
e potential role of the HHV8 in Kaposi's sarcoma occurring in multiple myel
oma patients, A case is reported of a patient in whom four serum samples ta
ken between the diagnosis of multiple myeloma and the occurrence of a Kapos
i's sarcoma one year later tested positive for antibody to the HHV8. Simila
r findings have been reported in patients with other types of Kaposi's sarc
oma, PCR studies for HHV8 DNA were positive on a Kaposi's sarcoma biopsy bu
t negative on a bone biopsy, militating against a role for the HHV8 in the
genesis of multiple myeloma.