Even in the latest anesthesia/critical care monitors, an alarm is only evok
ed when a parameter breaks the reference level. There is no commercial prod
uct that evokes an alarm before reaching a critical level. Generally, the e
xpert anesthesiologists often predict critical hypotension far before serio
us events occur, since they can recognize trends in blood pressure (BP).
The author has introduced a new alarm system, which is based on the expert
system that estimates BP. The program was developed with Future BASIC ver 2
.3 (Staz Software, USA) under Mac OS system 7.6.1J using Macintosh PowerBoo
k (Apple computer, USA).
The basic principle is as follows: The continuous data of either the invasi
ve BP or the noninvasive tonometry BP of the vital sign monitor (BP-508, Co
lin, Japan) are sampled every 30 s. The rate of change is obtained by the l
inear least-significant regression procedure from the latest 10 points. Thi
s regression line is then extrapolated 5 min further. When the future BP ex
ceeds either the alert or warning level, the visible and audible alarm is e
voked. The visual trend graph is added to check the estimation.
This alarm system could reproduce a similar level of recognition of BP tren
ds as the board-certificate anesthesiologist.