Background and Purpose-The present study investigated the influence of the
antiplatelet agent acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) on cerebral microembolism as
detected by transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD).
Methods-Nine patients with recent transient ischemic attack or minor stroke
of arterial origin were investigated. Eight had not received an antiplatel
et or anticoagulant medication before TCD, and in 1 patient a preexisting A
SA medication (100 mg/d) had not been changed since the onset of stroke sym
ptoms. An initial 1-hour TCD monitoring was extended for an additional 2.5
hours after an intravenous bolus injection of 500 mg ASA and was repeated f
or 1 hour on the following day.
Results-Microembolic signals (MES) were detected in all patients only an th
e symptomatic side. After the ASA bolus injection, a significant drop of th
e MES rate was found in 7 patients, all without previous medication, starti
ng 30 minutes after the application (mean per hour = 25.1 [range, 6 to 66]
versus mean per hour = 6.4 [range, 0 to 14]). In 3 of these patients, plate
let aggregation tests were performed that demonstrated normal aggregation b
efore bolus injection and inhibited aggregability as early as 30 minutes af
ter bolus injection. The rate of MES remained unchanged in 1 patient withou
t antiplatelet medication. The ninth patient, who had suffered an ischemic
event on ASA, showed only a transient decrease of MES frequency.
Conclusions-In patients with recent stroke of arterial origin, intravenous
ASA can rapidly reduce cerebral microemboli as detected by TCD. Microemboli
might be a useful parameter to monitor early effects of antiplatelet thera